Friday, October 22, 2010

Rock band live video

Just the top view video Rock Band Live keyword 19,830,419 views at the moment-

It is the tribute to fred mercury by paradise city live 1991 video down the memory late

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Future of Work

Work is for workoholic ? What is The Future of Work ? Who will tell the work of future era ? Many questions no answer. Is there any phd program research about future works or work in future trends ?

The most important aspect is future workforce nature and workforce trends to evolve but it is the mass to decide or any visionary will invent the methodology of The Future of Work ?.

Questions, questions and only questions, where is the answer?

Watch The Future of Work Video -

And there is a The Future of Work website providing some kind of service too -

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Gumby Series of 233 Episodes

Gumby is cartoon serial of America - United States of America - USA. A cartoon made with green colored clay looking like human namely Gumby and Gumby has 233 episodes exactly after completing 233 episodes the Gumby Serial of American Television is end.

Every American Kids must see the Gumby Cartoon Serial of American Television and you can also watch some views of Gumby Serial below and if you want some information about American Television Serial Gumby go here:-

Monday, October 18, 2010

Double Decker Train in India

Double Decker Travel used to be center of attraction in Mumbai visit (ex Bombay) or so to say in Indian metro cities, now Double Decker Trains are also reality in India. Indian Railway has made the Dream Realised Double Decker Train in India, watch for yourself what the railway spokes person Mr Anil Kumar Saxena is talking exclusively for you. The Indian Railway Spokes Person has some stunning visuals of Double Decker Train in India too.

Watch Double Decker Train in India Video

Some Double Decker Train Photos from around the world -
double decker train! Pictures, Images and Photos
Double-Decker Train Pictures, Images and Photos
Double-decker train :D Pictures, Images and Photos
double decker train in Syd Pictures, Images and Photos

Diwali Greetings

Diwali is the most celebrating festival of Hindustan celebrated by Hindus in India. This is the festival of light - "Deepon Ka Tyohaar".

Crores of Peoples of Indian and all over world does fireworks, crackers and make happiness. The Diwali is 5 days celebration.

Watch Diwali Video and give E-Greetings of Diwali to your Friends, Familiar and Other People :-